Tuesday 25 August 2009

Italian mafia boss fails to make great escape

Italian police have arrested an alleged mafia boss who lived in an underground bunker equipped with an unusual means of escape – a skateboard to propel himself down a 200 yard secret tunnel.

Italian, Giuseppe Bastone's hideout was a 10ft by 10ft space underneath a house near Naples that was accessed through a hidden trapdoor underneath a stairway.

The bunker was connected to a 200 yard long tunnel which was only waist high – hence the need for the skateboard.

Bastone, 28, was however captured by anti-mafia investigators in a lightning raid on his subterranean hideout.

At the end of the tunnel, a shaft with a metal staircase emerged in a field. Italian police said Bastone had been hiding in the bunker, which had solid steel walls, for nearly a year. He was reportedly unarmed and did not resist arrest when he was captured on Monday.

The bunker was equipped with a fridge, a plasma screen television and a DVD player. It took firemen more than an hour to shift the steel door which led from the house to the steel-walled refuge.

Police suspected the hideout was linked to a tunnel but had no idea where the hidden exit might emerge, so deployed 50 officers and a helicopter during the raid in case Bastone tried to flee.

Bastone was among Italy's 100 most wanted fugitives and is alleged to be a leading member of the Camorra mafia. A copy of the film was among the DVDs that police found, along with "The Godfather" starring Marlon Brando.

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